Are you ready to move from where you are to where you want to be?


Parenting (actually, life) can be a bit mind-numbing.

It seems like no matter how hard you try, you don't feel satisfied, like you're never quite enough. You want to do more, be more, give more and use your gifts. I get it!

I've been there too.

While I loved being a mom, I longed to be in community with others in ways meaningful to me. I was (and am!) a dreamer and entrepreneur at heart. I needed help in pursuing my ideas in a way that fit in with parenting. 

That's why I've created Momentum - a place to make your own dreams happen, one small step at a time.

I'll help you move from wondering and longing to defining what you can do today to move forward.

You'll clarify your life's purpose, create a vision for what you want, set realistic goals for moving forward and we'll cover it all with hope, love and community.

Big beautiful dreams + daily intentions for getting through what can feel like the wearisome, sometimes mind-numbing grind of caring for those children that you love so much.

Because you are worth it!

It’s Time To

Give Yourself Some Attention



An around-the-table gathering for women of all ages

MOMENTUM is a transformative journey designed specifically for women like YOU.

It's a place to connect, learn and grow both personally and as a parent. 

We focus on you, the person that is 100% mom AND 100% woman.

In each session we'll explore and apply a proven principle of success that will get you from where you are to where you want to be, whatever that looks like. And look at ways to apply the same principle to parenting, giving your child the same foundations for success in age-appropriate ways.

We’ll gather for a meal, teaching, reflection and the opportunity to create a community that extends beyond our gatherings. 

It’s time to nurture yourself like never before. 

It's time to make your dreams a reality.


Yes! I'm Ready!

"Learning from this program has been an incredible journey of discovery for me. It's taught me the power of reframing my thoughts around gratitude and being intentional in every aspect of life. The warmth and coziness of our gatherings are something special, truly making everyone feel welcomed. Momentum has opened my eyes to the fact that hosting doesn't have to be a grand affair, and that intentionality is key in all areas of life – from parenting to daily routines. One coaching question that always resonates with me is, 'What's the biggest forward step you can take today?' It perfectly captures the essence of this transformative journey. More people should experience this kind of welcoming and intentional living."

- Jody H.

Here's what you can expect from this life-altering program:


MOMENTUM Foundations

You'll start with an online introductory course that's all about your mindset.

You take this before our first in-person gathering.

  • There are really only 3 things you have control over ~ your behavior, thoughts and imagery.
  • This awareness is foundational for taking responsibility and teaching your kids to do the same.
  • Take control of your life by being mindful of your behavior, your thoughts and the images you dwell on.

"Be clear why you're here"

  • We'll start strong by identifying, acknowledging and honoring you and the unique call you have to share with others.
  • Tap into your life purpose by reflecting on what you really want.
  • Knowing this guides your thoughts and actions. You can help your child(ren) identify their passions.
  • You will align your choices and actions with your life's purpose everyday, even in the smallest ways.

"Decide what you want"

  • Create a vision for your life - short and long term. We'll talk about what you want to accomplish, experience, have, acquire, be... all those dreamy things!
  • Reprogram limiting messages from your childhood by creating a new vision for your life.
  • Identify your Inner GPS ~ that inside knowing and become the person you know you're supposed to be.
  • Create a vision board that reflects your dreams, goals and desires. Reflect on it each day and watch what happens!

"Unleash the power of goal setting"

We'll take your life purpose and vision and make them practical. Setting goals activates both your conscious and unconscious mind to make what needs to happen to make the goal a reality.

  • Identify one Breakthrough Goal
  • Practice creating clear, measureable, specific goals (and realistic!) that will lead you to that Breakthrough Goal. And you can help your child set goals in age-appropriate ways too.
  • Create a plan of action that works for your present situation, taking baby steps now to get you where you want to be.

"Release the brakes"

Have you ever tried to drive your car with the emergency brake on? That's what it's like when we work towards growth and success with negative self-talk and beliefs. Learn how to release the brakes so you can accomplish all you want to.

  • Your beliefs about yourself control you (and your children). Learn to encourage, love and believe in yourself.
  • Learn to use affirmations daily, and teach your child to do the same.
  • Take control of your self-talk by releasing the brakes daily through prayer, affirmations and simple, intentional actions.


We've got an  accompanying online course where you can review what you learn at each gathering and find additional resources. Each month you'll get new tools for applying what you've learned in your daily life.

  • Reflection tools & journal prompts for each session's topic.
  • Additional resources including articles, book suggestions, even some fun activities for your kiddos.
  • Recipes to share with your family, time-saving tips, and simple ways to make your home warm, peaceful and inviting.
Sign Up

"I loved digging deeper into myself and working on me as a person and not just me as a mom. Setting goals was new to me. Being able to set them and write them down made me more mindful of the things that I can accomplish being a mom as well as being myself. 

Having clarity in general was so helpful for my business and I've already met one of my big goals, which increased my revenue!"

- Kelsey N.

"I've found so much value in this program that I'd love it to be twice a month instead of once! Momentum is simply fantastic, I'm truly loving every bit of it. Reflecting on my journey, I just wish I had access to these learnings when I was younger, like the younger moms in the group are now. It's a treasure trove of wisdom that's beneficial at any age, but especially impactful for those just starting their parenting journey."

- Liaza F.
Hey there, I'm Ann.

I love encouraging women to dream big, for both you and your children. And I love inviting you into my home. 🧡

As a mom, while I absolutely loved parenting our three children, I longed to hang with other moms in ways meaningful to me. I was (and am!) a dreamer and entrepreneur at heart and always had big ideas. If I’d had an older woman come alongside to encourage me to pursue those dreams in ways that could fit in with full-time parenting, I’d be at a different place today.

That’s what MOMentum is about -  a place for you to connect, dream and take steps towards making your own vision happen, one small step at a time. We'll create community, think outside the box together as you identify your passions and create space for learning and growth. And embedded in every lesson, how to apply what you learn to parenting, so you can give your children a strong foundation for their own success in age-appropriate ways.

I'm the mom of 3 adult kids, Mimi to 4 grandbabies, a frequent conference speaker and early childhood specialist with 30 years of experience in higher education. I host the Parenting in the First 3 Years podcast and am the founder of Nurtured Noggins and Texas Child Care Training. Additionally, I’m a Certified Canfield Success Trainer, Master Level Trainer for the Texas Early Childhood Professionals, NAEYC Accreditation Consultant and Certified Child Care Health Consultant.

But most of all, I’m a woman who loves to listen to, laugh with, share stories with, encourage and cheer on other women, especially those a few years behind me.

Is MOMENTUM right for you?

It's a perfect fit if:

  • You've lost sight of yourself in the everyday busyness of parenting, and it feels like everyone's needs come before yours.

  •  You feel like all your plans are on hold for who knows how long, but you're raring to go now!

  • You long to be stretched and challenged to grow, alongside others who are doing the same.

  • You want to be inspired to be the best mother and the best [fill in the blank for you] you can be.

  • You have big dreams and want to make them happen but don't know how. And might even feel a little scared of them. We'll work through that together.

Sign Up

"I love having the meal together, sharing about ourselves and our life - that's where the connections happen and it's created community for me with other moms." 

- Priscilla H.

"Being a part of the Momentum program has truly been an eye-opening journey. It's fascinating how it reinforces what I already know, yet pushes me to think deeper about myself and my potential. The excitement of learning from others in the group is incredibly motivating. Also, the practical tips on creating a warm and inviting home environment are invaluable. It's wonderful to be part of a program that offers such practical and inspiring advice. I'm really thankful for this experience – it's been enlightening and very beneficial." 

- Rosie Z.

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Frequently Asked Questions


MOMENTUM Supper Club is an in-person monthly gathering. I believe that coming together in person is necessary for meaningful connections that support personal growth. If after attending the first session you feel that this is not for you, we offer a limited money-back guarantee.

Contact Ann McKitrick within 5 days of Gathering #1 to discuss a full refund and discontinued access to MOMENTUM Online.

"My journey with this program has been one of gaining more clarity, though I'm still very much a work in progress. Writing down my thoughts and reflections has stretched me in new and profound ways. This experience makes me deeply reflect on where God is leading me, especially in connecting with others. Helping kids find their true purpose, guiding them to connect with God, and supporting their growth has become a clear focus for me. The exercise of envisioning a perfect world was particularly impactful. It's not just a program; it's a pathway to deeper understanding and purpose."

- Kristin M.

Are you ready to take the first step toward the life you want?

Don't let more time slip by - join us today and make 2024 the year that changed your trajectory!

Space is limited, grab a friend and register today.

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 Are you ready to take the first step toward the life you want?

Don't let more time slip by - join us today and make 2024 the year that changed your trajectory!

Space is limited, grab a friend and register today.

I'm In!